Dennis McGillicuddy

July 6, 2021 |
Dennis McGillicuddy

Dennis McGillicuddy graduated in 1966 with honors from the University of Florida Law School.  He practiced law until becoming a partner in a cable television company. The business was sold in 1999. During Dennis’ career, he was involved in various businesses including investment banking, waste to energy facilities, recycling of industrial metal-working fluids, biological treatment of waste water, magazine publishing, commercial real-estate, real-estate development and home building, the manufacture of building products and minor league professional baseball, and significant investments in publicly traded securities. He currently serves on the Board and Audit Committee of Franklin Street Properties, a publicly held REIT.

Dennis has served on the boards of various nonprofit organizations.  He is currently President of the Board of Trustees of Florida Studio Theater, a professional nonprofit theater organization. He is the Co-Chair of Embracing Our Differences, an annual 2-month art exhibit promoting the values of diversity and inclusion. Dennis serves on the Advisory Board of The Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society.