Newsletter February 2020

February 4, 2020 | Newsletter

We extend a grateful thank you to each of you who has entrusted us with your finances, gifts and time in making
our dream of creating a safe place for children to heal from the trauma of child abuse a reality. When we think of all the conversations we’ve had over the years with our friends who have helped guide our vision; the incredible support; the love that has poured out of your hearts into ours, well, all we can say is:
Our hearts are full. Thank you. – Graci & Dennis McGillicuddy

The Louis and Gloria Flanzer Philanthropic Trust is a Generous All Star Supporter

All Star is a grateful recipient of the Flanzer Trust’s generosity. A $3 million dollar gift from the Trust was dedicated to the construction and operation of our Campus of Hope and Healing. “The focus of the Flanzer Trust is to invest in transformative nonprofit ventures. All Star is a standout example,” said Dr. Dean Hautamaki, a Flanzer Trust trustee and an All Star board member.

All Star was also selected to participate in the Trust’s $500,000 Matching Challenge running now. Each donation to All Star, up to $500, will be matched. (The match includes monthly reoccurring matches through December 2020!) The program is running until the match dollars are spent, so please consider a match today! Visit to make a donation

Matter Brothers Generously Gives

John and Andrea Matter felt an immediate pull to support the mission of All Star Children’s Foundation: to create a safe place for children to heal from the trauma of abuse. As Andrea and John walked the 5-acre campus, they could easily imagine scores of children in the years to come playing and thriving under the gorgeous live oak trees that provide a beautiful canopy for the Campus. “Graci passionately sketched the future plans for All Star,” John said, “Andrea and I knew we wanted to be a part of creating a nurturing space for children who have been abused and neglected.

In response, Matter Brothers Furniture donated over $25,000 worth of furnishings and design services to furnish one of the six cottages. Each of the homes is licensed for up to 5 children. The homes are bright and light, with special care given to the selection of soothing colors, lots of windows and open spaces. Each home is designed to support and optimize the effects of the healing interventions taking place collaboratively in a child’s life – through therapeutic clinical interventions and specially trained trauma informed caregivers to child enrichment programs and more.

You can help, too! Visit the Matter Brothers Furniture showroom at 4675 Clark Road to see a display of the All Star rooms fully furnished. You may choose to sponsor a piece of furniture, an entire room, or make a monetary contribution directly to All Star.

The All Star Campus Every Day There’s Something New!

Something new springs to life each day at the All Star Campus. This week the campus gates that secure the neighborhood were installed; the children’s playground is taking shape, the driving lane is paved that connects the homes, and beautiful finish work in each of the lovely foster homes is in full swing. Enjoy our latest pics!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Interdisciplinary Team Meetings Are a “Best Practice” in Mental Health. Our clinical team recently launched weekly interdisciplinary team meetings. Currently participants are our team of four clinicians and clinical director as well as Dr. Sean Paul, our consulting in-house psychiatrist.

The team meetings are in support of the child and family to identify needs, brainstorm treatment approaches, overcome barriers, and, ultimately devise a treatment plan to move forward with the child and family. All Star will begin rolling in other team members to include a community child advocate, case worker, attorney and others.